Pervaya Liniya. Health Care Resort

prevent age

The unique health control system that allows you to live longer, look and
feel great. The effect is due to the unique achievements of the innovative developments in modern medicine: molecular genetic testing, preparation of genetic record of skin condition, interpretation of the results by the board of doctors, genome correction and revitalization of body.
Keep your beauty and youth for many years to come, look and feel like 25-30. Have an efficient organism of the same age
— these are the tasks that are easily achievable with our prevent age approach

Medical genetics
We lay the foundation for your healthy future based on scientific approach.
We carry out detailed genetic analysis which allows shaping the background for a healthy future. Based on the genetic record, we estimate the risks of onset of certain diseases, identify genetic predispositions, develop longevity and rejuvenation strategy.
Live longer
A human body life margin in 120 years. Such life margin can be achieved through timely comprehensive check up, genetic diagnostics, creation and implementation of the longevity strategy and individual body revitalization program based on the results of comprehensive check up
Remaining healthy
Hormonal balance, persistence, intense vitality, zealousness, resistance to stress, sexuality.
Staying young
Stunning appearance, shining eye, smooth and firm skin, perfect figure.
Resort's unique programs
Including the genetic testing

Four innovative
steps to total rejuvenation
Full diagnostics
Based on the diagnostic results, you will get definite recommendations for adjusting your lifestyle, and will be able to restore your psycho-emotional state and reduce the risk of onset and progressing of diseases. An individual therapeutic program will be developed especially for you.
Recovery program
The result we are looking for is an improved general health, better condition of your skin, hair, nails, normalized digestion, less menifested allergies, restored physical activity. Achieving the ideal condition of all body functions at this stage allows being sure that all further activities will lead to the result we are looking for.
A course of gene expression
You will feel healthy, full of strength and energy. Deficiency conditions will be fully compensated, all metabolic processes will be restored, your body will be provided with all the necessary spectrum of nutrients. The basic principles of your attitude to health will change and, as a result, your lifestyle will change.
In-depth control assessment of the results of therapy
Summarizing the results of treatment, determining the body condition, creating the proposals for further preventive and treatment tactics aimed at bringing the condition of organs and tissues to the optimal functional age (25-30 years for men and women).
By 2050, everyone who has a healthy body and a substantial bank account will get a great chance to attain immortality, passing a course of rejuvenation in the clinic every 10th year, thereby not only curing the diseases, but regenerating the flabby tissues, renewing the body organs.
Yuval Noah Harari, A Brief History of the Future
This is what we are already doing
in the First Line today!
The 4P Concept
Prediction of diseases onset
Prevention with a complex of health recovery methods and measures
Development of recovery plan based on individual features of each guest
Participation of each guest in healthy lifestyles: correcting your nutrition, sleep, developing a balanced complex of physical exercises, choosing the vitamins, minerals and nutrients
  • Preparation of the «Genetic record» of your body;
  • Defining the individual treatment and recovery plan;
  • ELI-viscero-test to assess the condition of the immunological markers of 24 organs and systems of your body;
  • Traditional laboratory tests (biochemistry of blood, EIA, PCR, etc.);
  • Instrumental tests (ultrasonic examination, electrocardiography, respiratory function).
Gastrointestinal tract regeneration program
  • Individual detox and gastrointestinal tract recovery program based on the 4R principle (Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Regenerate)*
  • Comprehensive "cleansing", removing the aggressive and toxic substances and organisms;
  • Preparing your gastrointestinal tract for further therapeutic procedures;
*Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Regenerate
A course of gene expression
  • Creating an individual nutrition and physical activity program based on the «Genetic record»;
  • Correction of stress resistance: Right choice of relaxation activities, self-control system;
  • Follow up by a beautician, and individual treatment programs which are based on genetic markers;
  • Medicamental therapy with the use of placental preparations, homeopathic preparations, macro-and micronutrients, vitamins and amino acids;
  • Instrumental methods of health correction – individual courses of physiotherapy for activation or adjustment of metabolic processes in organs and tissues;
  • Individual SPA programs.
In-depth control assessment based on the results of therapy
  • Summarizing the treatment outcomes;
  • Assessing the body condition;
  • Developing the proposals for further prevention and treatment tactics, in order to bring the condition of organs and tissues to the optimal functional age.
Prevent age approach is aimed at absolute rejuvenation and regeneration of the body. Improved general physical and mental state, regenerated efficacy of all systems of the body.
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Zelenogorsk, Primorskoe shosse, 502А
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