Pervaya Liniya


Our medical strategy is to proactively and personally improve the condition of one's body, one's maximize its capabilities, offering the most comfortable and useful therapeutic methods
More than 1000 techniques focused on you
With the help of innovative and effective methods and procedures (the First Line has more than 1,000 of them), aimed at maximizing health and prolonging youth, our visitors come to balance and get a boost of vitality than after a long vacation.
a block affecting the prolongation of youth.
methods of relaxation and management of chronic fatigue, sleep, and muscle tension.
therapy for cleansing and regenerating one's body.
increasing cognitive abilities, harmonizing work of the brain and nervous system.
saturation of one's body with oxygen and restoration at the cellular level.
techniques aimed at rest and recovery of one's body.
The programs contain elements of each of the 6 blocks to achieve the best results with regard to personal tasks of the visitor
Key First Line Therapy Techniques
The procedure is aimed to change the level of oxygen supply to the body - from decreasing to increasing, thus training the cells.
Sessions in an oxygen capsule allow you to start regenerative processes in the body in all tissues, which contributes to rejuvenation and recovery of the body at the cellular level.
The innovative "Music of the Brain" procedure is aimed at harmonizing the cerebral hemispheres, ascending and descending systems of the brain and interhemispheric relationships.
Rejuvenation ensured by enhancing superficial blood flow. Cryotherapy is one of the most effective physiotherapeutic techniques that have a complex effect on the body.
Alpha capsule Multi Noble Rex is an innovative device that solves the problems of rejuvenation, improving metabolism, body shaping, and relieving muscle clamps.
Inhalation with inert gas xenon is an effective technique for relaxation, de-stress, restoration and normalization of the nervous system.
The procedure is based on precise and controlled cooling in the place, where adipose tissue needs to be destroyed. Under the influence of low temperatures and vacuum on the innovative Coccon apparatus, the mechanism of apoptosis (destruction of fat cells) is triggered, without any damage to the surrounding tissues.
The photodynamic effect, which is the basis of the procedure, stimulates skin renewal by removing damaged cells and producing collagen and elastin, proteins contributing to youthful skin.
Through intramuscular and intravenous infusions of a complex of growth factors, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that make up the Laennec preparation, restoring, regenerative, detoxifying, rejuvenating and many other positive therapeutic effects are achieved in the shortest possible time.
A unique program of cellular skin rejuvenation based on the use of human own fibroblasts.
An innovative medical technology implemented by introducing ozone into the human body.
Underwater treatment with a shower massage on the lymphatic system and a detox wrap that activates cleansing and stimulates cell renewal.
The procedure is designed to balance the male and female reproductive systems using biofeedback.
Designed specifically for men and women with high levels of stress, to activate detoxification systems, activate internal reserves.
RF-Lifting - facial contour modeling procedure; improves the quality of the skin and allows lifting the tissues, due to controlled exposure to radio frequency energy.
Microcurrents stimulate lymphatic drainage, activate blood flow and cellular metabolism, increase the tone of relaxed muscles, and have anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.
Under the influence of low frequency ultrasound, bubbles form inside the fat cells, damaging the membrane of fat cells (adipocytes).
A procedure aimed at improving the appearance and cellular composition of the skin.
The principle of operation is based on wave-like compression of soft tissues, simulating muscle contractions.
Enrichment of the skin with its own plasma. It stimulates skin regeneration.
An innovative massage specially developed by First Line specialists for complete relaxation and stress relief at the biological level.
3 days
A unique experience of studying yourself, an upgrade of all organs and systems of the body, a complete transformation of your attitude to health awaits you.
5 days
Prolong your youth, and renew your body at the cellular level.
5, 7 and 10 days
Complex cleansing of the body for your complete "restart" and transition to a new level of health without chronic fatigue and excess weight.
3 and 5 days
A high intensity and very intense 3- or 5-day program will be a powerful boost to restart your body.
3, 5, 7 and 10 days
The course is aimed at carefully balancing the state of the body and its biorhythms.
5 and 7 days
A unique individual program of rejuvenation and transformation, both internal and external.
2, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 days
The aim of the program: quality restorative rest and relaxation.
1 day
The program of the day is designed so that you can appreciate all the wellness possibilities of the resort, relax and rejuvenate as much as possible.
3, 5, 14 and 21 days
We have combined nature and innovative technologies of cellular renewal to create an image of the person of the future.
The unconditional components of First Line health improvement are: personalized nutrition, sports, hydrotherapy and nature therapy (air, natural environment), as well as a harmonized life at the resort according to circadian* rhythms.
Circadian rhythms
Circadian rhythms are the internal biological clock, interconnected with the light-dark cycle, regulating the immune and nervous systems, as well as the health of cells. Balancing them is one of the key wellness trends for 2020 according to the Global Welness report. Life at the resort in a certain mode allows you to adjust the work of circadian rhythms and "transfer" the internal clock to the optimal mode for health.
Therapy element - informational detox module
What is informational detox and why does limiting digital consumption by 30% increase the effectiveness of therapy?
By creating the First Line, we have created an environment, where all the elements work for relaxation and recovery. This is reflected in the design of the rooms for our visitors.
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