Cryomodelling on the Coccon device is a non-surgical procedure allowing to get rid of fatty tissue forever. The vivid effect of the procedure can be noticed just in a month.
LPG massage will make your figure perfect Based on vacuum-roller therapy, this merhod will help not only to get rid of cellulitis, reduce fat deposits, remodel the shape of your body, but also significantly enhance skin elasticity.
Pressotherapy is the most effective procedure for better lymphatic drainage and reduced water retention.
Ultrasonic SMAS-lifting on the Utims A3 device allows you to perform a non-surgical tightening of not only the face, but also the whole body, working with age-related changes at several levels at once.
Endosphere of the body and face - corrects the contours of the body, relaxes and smoothes muscle tissue, promotes the removal of excess fluids and improves blood microcirculation